ELSWEN creations

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ELSWEN creations


mijn intussen werk (nl)

De Klusserij - verhuist | verhuisd (nl)

longing for light - in vain (en)

nagedachten - stemmige observaties en puntige overdenkingen (nl)

bij Kees - 'n leven buiten Spoordonk (nl)

City in Fragments (en)

kunst uit bad [CKE] (nl)

BLIXEMS een dynamisch wijkcentrum (nl)

De hand van Ernst Cats (en/nl)

Marseille - duo-boek (nl) )

htty atelier 'NatLab' StrijpS (en/nl)

twists of the mind (en)

The Building's Soul (en)

a Way of Architecture (en)

}} Overview Books (pdf) {{

Video-Twins :

(on YouTube)

"Alex' Machines gaan West" (nieuw)

"Alex' Machinery flies out"

Video - Animation/Fantasy:

(on YouTube)

"de Binnentuin van deKunstclub beleven"

"by Alex bye"

"De Dommel: Geborgen - Ontsloten"

"Kleine Beerze ontwaakt"

"the Unknowns"

"Onstwedde Gents & Chickies"

"when Lo and Hi meet (slowly)"

"War of Trees"

"autumn shivers"

Flowform "Lotus"

Video - Documentary:

(on YouTube)

"Son et Lumiere" (Joost Wijnen)

"Singapore Meeting"

Fotoclub Ericamera Jubileum expo

Wilko's gedichtenbundel presentatie

"Mijn creatieve pad in de fotografie"

"Schoonheid van Imperfectie"

Expo SPO-ENZO impressie


Ericamera Jubileum Expo 2023

SPO-ENZO expositie 2020

"City in Fragments" [CKE 2019]

"Close yet so cold" (panel on YouTube)

Portfolio 2016 CKE (contribution)

Nieuwe Energie, Leiden


de Belgische kust 2024 (nl)

Epen (L) 2020-2021 (nl)

Parijs 2019 (nl)

Marseille 2015 (en)

Barcelona 2014 (en)


Dynamo Metalfest 2024

Bookart by Schaduwlichtje

Verbeke Foundation (impressions)

Photographic work:

Various Work (en)

Darkness from Nature (en)

Hoogspanning (nl)


Wilko Brouwers

Selected portrets


Apollo - the Golden Doodle

Meebel - the German shepherd


ELSWEN creations

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

eMail: info[at]elswen.nl

rev. 9-FEB-2025

Photography & Video creations by Jan Visser

An eagerness for creativity brought me on the boundary between photography and art. Exploring this path since 2010, expanding photographic skills and absorbing the great ideas and works from the world of visual arts, and extending it into video.

Enjoying magic in the creation of the image, moving beyond the visible.


'Escaping my World'