ELSWEN creations

Pic 1

Onstwedde Gents & Chickies


Recorded on December 31, 2021 and Januari 1, 2022 at 'Ooldershoeve' near Onstwedde (Groningen, The Netherlands)

idea, video, sound, editing by Jan Visser.

January 2022

Language: EN

Onstwedde Gents & Chickies

A lockdown, due to COVID-19, stretches one's creativity (the best scenario).

During our stay in an apartment, year’s end 2021, we experienced this limitation. Built in a renovated barn the apartment gave us a very pleasant stay. But public facilities were closed.

Because of the farm with its facilities, I was able to record video images on the premises. And composed them into a movie.

Any similarities with the human world?

Still from video ©Jan Visser

Onstwedde Gents & Chickies [4,5 min, YouTube].